I have been lucky that the whole time I have been here it is yet to rain. I know quite uncharacteristic of the English country side. It could be that I brought my Hawaiian sunshine along ;)
I did already manage to slightly misplace my phone but it did get recovered at a pub down the road. that suzie girl and i are not a good combo ;) i have decided that i should wear it around my neck or leave it at the house until an absolute dire situation.
IDL working out quite nice. Actually getting things done today. I think that I should have Brittany's British vocab. I will start very small and add to it each day. This is just so that each of you can learn some Brit slang.
------vocab lesson #1--------
bird = chick = hot girl
bloke = dude (haven't quite worked out if it is too good at all)
ginger = red-head
fancy = when you like something
pub = bar ( go there after work every day)
fanny = women's private regions ( so this means don't call it a fanny pack here since they will look at you with a very appalled expression)
bum = butt
that is all for now. if you want to use these in sentences i will give you some examples.
"oohh, i really fancy that bloke who works at the pub. I heard his brother is a ginger which means Suzie will probably like him."
Say things like that and you will be in! Oh yeah and eggs are on the shelves not in refrigerators. And they have teeny weeny cars. Oh and it is day for like forever. Something about this whole latitude thing.
Don't say that you forgot to bring "pants" either...
Shame you won't be there in the winter, I hear they are quite lovely. ;-P
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