I only have this thing for a couple days and I am already slacking on the updates. So just a warning this is going to be a long one. A recap of the weekend and stuff like that. *~*~*~*I WILL ADD PICS SOON I PROMISE*~*~*~*~*~*
Work: 10am arrival
11-12 coffee
12-1 colloquium
1:30-2:30 lunch
4-5 tea
5:30 Leave for the pub
What the heck yeah?! Its like why bother even coming in or even starting anything at all. Its like lets just hang out until the next break.
So we went to this pub called the Imperial. It was a nice day out and we had drinks outside and it was like a giant BBQ with lots of friends and things like that. There were picnic tables and people on the grass and stuff like that. It was quite nice and a mellow night.
Aude, Jenny (my flatmate) and I went to this place called Dartmoor. You can check out some of my pictures. It was a really cool place. It is like this giant protected land and stuff like that so there are sheeps and horses just running around. There was a river running through parts of it so there were people playing in it. I had the BEST ICE CREAM EVER! out of this truck that was there. It was amazing!!!
We got back and went to a BBQ at Suzie's house (workmate). It was really cool a bunch of people that I work with and their friends and stuff like that. It was a blast. I learned a new game called Balderdash. I don't know if I am even saying it right but its a game where you make things up and people have to guess if it is correct. It is quite interesting after a few glasses of wine. We also played pictionary and I was on the foriegner team! haha I am the foreigner! I have to say it was quite hard with some people since they have completely different ways of saying stuff. Oh yeah and they had this thing on TV that is like American Idol but not really. It was to become the next Jospeh in Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat production. And there was the mean judge with an accent. And the accent is and American one!! muahaha that is pretty funny.
I met Aude at the Cathedral and we walked along the River Exe down to the Quay side. Apparently Quay sounds like key. So we went down there and they were having dragon boat racing in the river. It was really funny to come all the way here and see that. It totally reminded me of the time my mom and I did it at Ala Moana. It was quite comical. I had my very first creme tea. It was soooOOOooooo good. It was scones and jam and this creme thing that you eat with tea. Oh man it is quite amazing. We looked around at all the antique shops that were there.
We walked back to Aude's house where we watched Amelie. I looOooooved it. That movie is so cute and it makes me totally want to go to Paris and hey you know what I can! I think when Jamie Wendell comes I can organzie something with her. I want to work on my french. My advisor and Aude both speak french so they could totally teach me. I know only a few words like how to say I don't like fat head and stuff like that. Thank you Carena and Joey for letting me keep up with the important parts of the language ;)
I was walking back and I went on a slight detour mainly because if you walk straight down a road that doesn't mean that you are staying on the same road. Oh yeah and street signs don't exist either. They don't believe in that or something. So there are little signs on random buildings that you have to guess what road it is. But it was fine since I stopped in at this place called the Cavern. The were having live music and it was free before 9 so that is when it was. I had a beer and watched the two bands that were playing. They were very good. I can't remember the name of the first band but the second one was called Mohair. They totally rock! and apparently they had a number 1 in Honolulu about 8 months ago. I missed that chart topper and where they actually publish things like this. I bought one of their cds and got them all to sign it like a little fan that I was. I took pictures with the lead singer and the bass player since they were around. I can add it to my list of celebrities ;)
Back to work reading this ridiculously hard paper on some algorithm. I also was learning IDL and the art of programming. I went down to the pool for my lunch break and I got recruited to play water polo for the University. The lifeguard was like woah you are really good since I was egg beatering and swimming. I was really bad actually since I hadn't been in the pool for about a month! But it impressed them. I am going to go on Wednesday night and check it out. It should be quite fun.
We all went down to Dave's ( workmate) wife's party celebration thing for this grad house thingy. The Vice Chancellor was there. We had some free food and free Pimms. Which by the way is an amazingly good alcoholic beverage with lemonade and fruits and stuff in it. We got this guy Ben drunk for the first time too! It was hilarious. He is soooo funny and it just got better and better.
Then we went down to this pub called Hourglass. Very hot waitor helped us ;). Suzie and I ended up drink two bottles of wine together. We played a bunch of card games. Apparently "americans" all know how to shuffle cards. It is funny since the british shuffling technique is to mess it around on the table.
Suzie and I walked back from I have absolutely no idea where in Exeter. She was telling me stuff along the way but I don't remeber what they were. We also stopped in at a pub on the way back to have a gin and tonic for last call at a so called karaoke bar. It was hilarious!
So we were walking back and we found a very drunk girl passed out on the side of the road that Suzie ended up walking back home. She was really cute and totally smashed! I made it home alright and I went straight to sleep :)
That is it for now and here I am at work not doing anything, yet! The key word is yet!
Sweet deal on the water polo thing and meeting a cool band. I looked at the pictures first and was wondering who these rocker kids were. I guess they are rocker kids.
You crack me up! I love the stories!!
hihi.. your blog looks like mine but backwards when I just came ot hawaii/america!
I think it is sooooo funny to see you doing all these things! And yeah you rock at waterpolo, never ocurred to you before?
Hmmm and those vand you get your icecream from... they are all over the place, we had one that would stop by our school around break time, and when you go out into the countryside to swim in lakes in the summer there will be plenty more.. was it Italian ice cream? hmmm yeah! Have a blast!!! I'm enjoying your rie with you :)
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