i have to write this now so that i can capture my excitement while it is still brimming.
meike + me + robin ( no not the extremely cool robin harney but your new guy friend robin who lives in leiden i met from couch surfing)

scene 1 [friday]:
meet up with robin in dieman which is above amsterdam a bit after i missed going to work. oops. full in a very fancy suit from work and two longboards in the car we were ready to go. we drove about 2 hours up to holwerd. which is in the north of holland. then we waited for meike who was coming via public transport. yeah we did have excessive amounts of sms communication the entire day ;)
everything worked out rather nicely and we went on the ferry which took about 45 mins to get across to the island. it was cool since you could pick out all the people that were going to the exact same place.
we got there and put up our tent. uh-huh yeah the tent that karin said could fit 3 people barely did. well it could fit 3 midgets (people my size) but not the company we were in. lets just say we could keep warm because of our nicely intimate sleeping space.
we went to investigate the scene and see the usual suspects. it looked as it was coming along. we went back and made some friends at the snack bar. they were are snack bar friends. anouk and mona. they were fun chicks. we shared a giant bucket of frites then carried on. robin took a nap while meike and i went to the party tent. this evening they were playing like dance party music. a little different then what we thought but its cool. we had such a good time. we were in a video a couple times.
robin came later. we had a dance party. took a dip in the ocean then went to sleep.
scene 2:
woke up to an amazingly sunny day. took the boards out for a surf. wasn't the best thing i ever been in but i mean at least we got in the water. oh yeah did i mention that i surfed without a wetsuit in the north sea! yeah #1 bad ass right here ;) but it wasn't too bad. i mean i did get a bit cold but i could have been completely frozen. i think i wasn't surfing very well but i mean i guess i have to get used to the shorter rides.
after the session we went for a nice lounge in the sun where meike and i talked forever and i drew a silly picture. then we went to the main tent and they were having button making and t-shirt making. i also learned how to dance capoeria (ok yeah totally spelled that wrong) but it is this really cool dance from brazil.
there was a cool half-pipe that they built for the skaters. i just carry around my skateboard to look cool, not to actually go on those things :) maybe if there wasn't people watching and stuff like that.

ok it wasn't that big but i just wanted to add some pictures
i went out for a second surf session with meike. and that was fun. we started at one end of the beach and completely ended up at the other. which is what we slightly planned since that is where our campsite was. we were getting in the way of the other windesurfers but it was great.
OH MY GOSH THE MUSIC THAT NIGHT WAS SOOooOOOOOOOOoooOOOOOoo good. man it was so great. there was happy mosh pits. crowd surfing and fun dancing. a bit of zoenen ( did i spell that right?) yeah man and meike was soooOOooo cool, she went crowd surfing!! it was so great. i am so proud of her. and this really beautiful guy that we wanted to be meike's boyfriend did it as well. yeah he was taller than her :)
awesome song!!! from jaya the cat! the were such a great band. man the lead singer had huge dreads. it was great
go there! trust me!!
we were way too tired and passed out rather quickly in the tent
scene 3:
packing up in a quick exodus to try to catch the next boat. it was soo windy. it was like a nice big hurricane. carrying longboards were not very fun! we squeezed in a taxi van thing and tried to get to the place where the ferry takes off. but we missed it since it was too full :P
it was ok we entertained ourselves for 2 hrs while we waited for the next one. oh the "mainland" it was back to beautiful dutch weather. rainy and windy. meike couldn't fit in our car because of the boards or in the bus since it was full. so she hitchhiked back with some guys. still need to talk to her about how that went. i think it was a nice way to finish the weekend.
for a different perspective check out meike's blog which should be updated soon about the current events that just happened. http://implicitlychopsy.blogspot.com/
Brit!!! I love it!
-punk lil sis da coolest
BRITT! You live an awesome life. Sounds like you are having an amazing time, I wish I could hang out with you and Meike now that the sun is showing itself. We seriously need to catch up soon!
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