well so here it continues. with the ice. man the sound of breaking ice is absolutely amazing. if you've never done it, find a pond crack some ice and drop it. simple as that.
of course meike is good at finding good climbing trees. i was ground fotographer ;) they were having a lot of fun
so when i got back from budapest the second time jon kelly and maxi were there with some skates. so we headed out. haha i didnt even change out of my ZVL gear. for the record, no you can not slide on only your jacket and running. but if your friend pulls you then that is a whole nother thing ;) just ask kelly
amazing action shot of jon in actual motion
so we were trying to take a group picture and this is what we get. muahahhahaha. so funny. kelly looks so cute!
there we are. ice skating crew!
so i made them go behind some wheats growing out of the side of the canal to create a jungle scene. yeah pictures werent that good but it was hilarious! jon the prey, maxi the lion, and kelly the hunter
CHRISTMAS!!! we went to meike's and this was us lighting there really cool cool tree!
we wore dresses to meike's house and we look really really pretty. the table was so nice. it totally looked like the movies! like how the dinners are in christmas time with snow outside and stuff.
you have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA!! how amazing this desert was!! it was so sosososososo good. i never wanted it to end. and we had some amazing desert wine to go along with it. like i couldn't control my reactions since it was all like WOW!
meike's dad made this tree. and it comes apart so they can take it with them anywhere that they want to in the world. so cute! we had some awesome heart to hearts with meike's parents. they are such cool people with a very interesting life.
this was part of the little party at my place. can you guess what they are? maxis a detective and kelly is safari jane. muahahaha
meike's brother. i am secretly trying to marry him. not sure if he knows yet. if i cant be an adopted de Nooy, i have to try other options ;) haha
i just went on this last minute amazing trip to go snowboarding with my friend pete. here are some pictures of the endeavour...
so this was this cute little man in geneva on his moped
this is out the window of the flat that we stayed in chamonix. yeah not too bad of a view
this is that mountain that you can't see in the other picture!
on the way up in a cable car. amazing amazing views ;)
ski lifts with snowboards
ok seriously the longer you look at this picture the younger i become! i mean i look like i am 8 after a while. it is an optical illusion
yeah only 1 1/2 days and thats me being a superstar! woohoo
hold on i have one of my snowboarding sponsors calling on the other line. muahaha, just kidding ;)
and so it ends. and the sun sets. and the boarders wait to go back down
i have to admit that was a pretty amazing last month. i want to thank everyone who made the trek to come to see me. i mean it was completely at the right time in a very nice recharging way. i had such a great great time. so just think you too could have fun, just come down and visit britt!!