These are pictures from the hike I went on with my family, amy logan and ms. pothead. it was a pretty nice day up on the ridge. yeah there are over 1000 steps on this thing! It is on some old railroad tracks... The orangy picture is my absolute favorite :)
right about here is where i decide that I am annoyed/ I can't figure out why this is all over the place and not in the order that I want it to be and decide that I will give it a grand what they are thing.. i might fix it later ( i might not)
football game with the fam, robin's 21st, a strenuous hike, my last dollah ballah with carena and the gang :)
i am sorry i am a bum just annoyed. the next one will be pretty and will have a bunch of pics from my holland adventures. i did put pics in my web albums so u should check it out!
another heads up if you look at my pictures, i gave a few some ratings...
tour de amsterdam, R; due to the red light district night scene
robin's birthday, R; due to some eating contest
the rest are all G, PG, good for the family and a bit random. pretty much brittanyish.. cheerio :)
omg, such pictures shouldn't be allowed in public places...nah i'm over the embarrassment, i'm 21!!! sweet pics though...and i miss you :)
The sunset pic is great! I'm glad you figured it out =)
I agree, the sunset picture is the best. Good on ya. Ok, heres a tutorial for making a photoblog on this thing . .
1) upload all your pictures first. Hpoefully you are using the add photo option (picture icon on the top) I like to have it center aligned so you can write between.
2) choose pictures to upload. This takes a bit of planning as it will put the pictures in the order you chose. So you should add the last photos of your blog first (but you can always change the order later). Also, blogspot only lets you upload 5 pictures at a time, so be patient.
3) Once all the pictures are up, you can move them by grabbing, dragging and dropping it where you want. You might have to put some "Enters/Returns" to get space between the pictures.
4) Once the pictures are in order, write about them!
Hope that helps!
Disclaimer: This was not meant to be sarcastic or demeaning but was intended to promote efficiency.
Hey, where's all the pictures we took using your fish-eye lens? I wanna see, I wanna see!!!
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