Friday, 27 July 2007

so it goes

going to London tomorrow to do the touristy thing.

i have had a lot of fun here and i can't believe how amazing people are. i had a lot of fun this past week. i went to see the band the dead sixties and they were pretty rad. thanks to joey, i already knew some of their songs.

i want to a fancy restaurant with my flat mate. i ate a monkfish. i think that it was buddhist. haha

last night, turned it into tequila thursday and partied like a rock star at this place called fez. i think i broke pete's hand by accident :S what are you gonna do huh?

i went punting today. pictures seriously to come since i will be on a proper laptop now. if you don't hear from me for a while it is due to my transition period between destinations.

going to nashville for a week on sunday, going to watch john mayer on the 3rd!!! woooOOOhOOOO
connecticut til the end of august
home til 12th of september
and then holland onwards.

oh life. its funny how times keeps to just slip slip slip by. it is cool though. i like england. but then again i think that i will like a lot of places :) there are some really cool people out there. just gotta go find them ;)



Jon said...

Glad to hear you are back in the states. We have some serious catching up to do.

Liz said...

Anne and I didn't have a tequila thursday for you (hard to get a good margarita in Michigan anymore), but we DID have a beer, vodka, crazy bathroom pictures thursday for you!