Yeah as we all know I am a major bum when it comes to writing on my very own blog. It has to do with the fact that I have TOO much stuff to write I don't even know where to begin. Then all of a sudden it is like an assignment that I just keep procrastinating!
so here goes the mini update!
i was home for a couple weeks after my tour de england, nashville, connecticut and new york. it was sOOOooooOOOOo amazing! i mean i was just soaking up everything and realizing that all my friends and family are amazing. even just the ones i met during my short stay back at home. i had a pretty much amazing time with my old friends i hung out with. so i had a really good time punking a lot of my friends with my "new hairstyle" muahahahaha! i did get to surf, do my touristy drive around the island, and spend some precious quality time with a lot of people that i needed to. oh and BTW my family is freakin amazing. i love them all and my sisters are all old and such characters! it was so bittersweet being at home since there are so many transitions in everyone's life i see just unfolding before my eyes. a bit weird, but i mean what are you gonna do really?
some highlights of home...
+ art off the wall (my friends and i infultrated an wall during first friday and made the underground art scene happen! it was amazing)
+ almost broke my longboard in half getting barreled at the point. muahahaha!
+ my car and surfboards are in a happy place now. my legacy will live on :)
+ robin made me a freakin awesome pie
+ robin turned 21 and got jelloshots umm eaten off her! muahaha
+ got to see my friend asia who i havent seen since we graduated!
+ saw a lunar eclipse
+ got to see my dad play some gigs
+ went on a crazy hike with the fam in hawaii kai!
man i need to stop there are too many!
this is my home base for the moment. i am living with my mate karin who i used to play water polo with back in the day in hawaii. and i am playing water polo with iefke's team. yeah so i am on every possible type of public transport available. you name it i am on it. trains, trams, bikes, whatever! yeah i dont mind the trains, its the trams that are like ugh. anyways.
it is so cool playing water polo over here. it is so much bigger than hawaii and they treat you like a superstar ;) yeah so i have been here almost 3 weeks and i have already had an article in the paper, online, and on the program for our first home game. i think that is pretty rad! anyways, i have been playing pretty good considering my massive training i gave myself over the summer ;) hahaha. oh yeah i was in a tourney 3 days after i got here. that went pretty well. and my first game that i had with my entire team, i scored a goal within the first 30 seconds i was in! that was cool.
oh my friend pete from cambridge came over for a visit and that was a blast. the first day he was here i dragged him to my water polo training, where he recieved his crash course in water polo. then on the way back from practice i get us lost on the tram! muahaha. nah but we had a lot of fun. we went to amsterdam for the weekend and went to the van gogh museum. really nice works of art. oh yeah and i ATE so much food. we sat at some cool cafes, and ate at a fancy restaurant and this other cool turkish restaurant. i took pictures of the hookers in the red light district and almost got beat up! muahaha. i got a really cool pic in it though.
for those of you who know meike, i got to hang out with her in the "middle" of holland in utrecht. that was so freakin awesome. meike makes me really happy and makes me remember why i decided to come to this FREEZING cold place :) yeah and we are going to be artsy this weekend at her place, so that should be fun fun fun :)
LAST night i was in a parade in Leiden with my water polo team. it was great yelling things in dutch i have no idea what we really were saying but remnants of it are still ringing in my ears. yeah it was the city's indendence day and there is 2 days of celebration. drinking, partying, carnivals. these dutchies know how to party! yeah and then after the parade we went and saw Koen's brother DJying at this huge tent. he was really good. and i kept getting lost in the sea of tall people. haha good thing i had a hat on, so i could be found.
so yeah 10 page essay over. i will add pictures later. i can't do everything at once! we all know that i am not that good. now that i got that out of the way i will do my best to keep a better update :) lies i know but i gotta keep you coming back for more ;)