woah didn't realize it has been a month since my last update. that is a bit strange. so this is the quick version with some pictures.
---stuff i did that i don't have pictures for---
1. went to a rad concert called night of the proms. and haha macy gray was there! yeah i sang "i try" for her to show her whats up. it was this cool symphony thing with a bunch of artists there on top of it. it was so cool! i love karin since she took me there. (NEVER MIND HERE IS A PICTURE! hahhaha)

2. got 2nd place in the nederlands in this cup final. its sucks we should have been first but since meike won then i guess it was ok. i got a dutch medal and some flowers :D woohoo. i can't complain
3. had an australian couchsurfer guy in my house. long story but it was so fun! i think i am going to go to sydney for next new year's eve. i am going to start saving now!
4. OoOOOOHHH this should have been #1 MEIKE gave me the BEST WARMEST COOLEST sweater ever!! like seriously i think i am such a bad ass and am immune to cold. i know i am not but this sweater is freakin amazing. and it is so soft. oh yeah i was hanging out with meike's family last weekend and they are soooOOooo cool. like we were listening to old records and music on her bro's computer. it was so cool. i am trying to have them adopt me ;)
5. oh got a museum card and now i can go to museums for free!! so now this is my saturday morning ritual. and thursdays sometimes too.
---picture time----
well yeah i have been hanging out in a tree near lizard's grove
with meike :)
just saw some kids sitting around. and doesn't it look like that picture of those people in new york sitting on some beam or whatever. i'll try to find it
only reading the best book ever!! and many many other :)
yeah i was sitting under the levitating tree. it was so cool i had to sit under it! on my tour de rotterdam.
----to come---
1. pictures from hungary since i am going there for a water polo tournament tomorrow
2. pictures with JON CHING!! since he is coming in like 2 weeks
3. pictures with JON CHING, KELLY MASON AND MAXI GROH and meike will probably be thrown in there ;)
4. some crazy stories :D
okies cheerio friends and readers.